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12D Multidimensional Healing

  • 5 Steps


In this short course, I am teaching you how to heal on 12-dimensional level addressing various issues: 1) past, present, future lifetimes 2) all timelines 3) all dimensions 4) all realities 5) all densities 6) all planes of existences 7) all kinds of poisonings - black goo, graphene oxide, ethereal metals or heavy metals, nanoparticles, nano 8) all sugar, sodium chloride, SLS, chemicals, unknown substances. 9) all spells, black magic, hexes, curses 10) ancestral and generational patterns and traumas This is not a typical energy healing like Reiki but a higher frequency from the Divine to clear out all the issues.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



SGD 144.00


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