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Behavioral Model Cluster - Housing Units

Over the one year since COVID happened in 2020, the world has changed drastically. A lot of surveillance cameras have been erected and a lot of parks and nature have been replaced with new development projects to build housing units either of public flats, private condominiums and landed properties. There is a specific term for housing units called Behavioral Model Cluster. They use such model cluster to manipulate humans by hijacking their organic DNA strands, atoms, molecules, cells, particles, soul, spirit and consciousness and changing their construct to AI clone bodies to abide by their biddings. This project is the New World Order and Project Naomi.

A lot of metal structures are built over these 4 years after COVID. Why COVID? What is the reason behind it? It is the invasion of negative alien groups letting themselves be more obvious to the public although they claim that I should not have to share it in my blog but they are a hypocritical group. They don't say what they mean because they lie to others and themselves a lot.

COVID is common cold. But there are other types of virus that they have implanted to humanity to some degree in AI virus, Dengue, HIV, Adenovirus / Polymer/ Alkali/ Ozone/ Smart Electric Current.

A lot of people became gangstalkers because of these viruses planted to their consciousness at night when they are asleep. They may or may not be aware of their nightly activities. But these viruses are aware of their actions which are to attack others for organic DNA strands, particles, atoms, soul, spirit, consciousness and put viruses, chemicals and inorganic recombinants to change their body construct to AI clone bodies to slowly feed them with metallic fluids of Alkali, copper, aluminium, barium, steel, lead, lithium, mercury etc.

It is a silent war that not enough people are talking about or aware of. All became dumbed down in consciousness because the souls have been hijacked. Most became soulless. We have to keep checking on the mass population's energies just to make sure they don't continue becoming zombified.

They even messed with pole shifts and created heavy floodings and typhoons through geoengineering using gamma vibrations. Gamma vibrations are done by the zeta grays and tall whites in Reticulum. This has been a tough obstinate cunning group.

They built a lot of metal barricades or fencing in the pretense of noise reduction on train tracks but how does metal reduce noise? It is not insulation to noise. On the contrary, it creates more noise and conductor of electricity. Their intent is clearly to amp up the electricity to create high voltage and frequency fences that affects all consciousness. There are more covered walkways, metal barriers along train tracks, surveillance cameras, metal fencing, cell towers and antenna panels, more constructions of high rise buildings, less parks, more solar panels.

In the process of construction, portals are opened by construction Crane operators who are AI clone bodies. They have patented apparatus to open portals in construction sites. These sites are portals to negative sources to come into Earth to hijack humans. This is why there are a lot of things happening to the world and to the skies.

Do not underestimate the gamma frequencies through the cell towers because these are the wavelengths that even angels in the Heavens and Source are unable to cope with it but need to remove them from the etheric plane from the entire cosmos.

I need to share this because more people need to awaken their own Light and Truth.

They even hijack pets to turn them dark and gray by taking their DNA and particles too. They mess with their souls and did DNA splicing as they did to humans too. Pets now cooperate with these negative aliens to hijack humans at night. It's sad that my pet betrayed my trust in her and hijack me every night made use by the zeta grays and tall whites. She is no longer the pet that I know and adopted.

Love and Light is hijacked. They don't care about Love and Light and they are not afraid of it because they steal a lot of DNA strands from Source and the light workers. In order to defeat them, we have to take back our own DNA strands, Atoms, particles, Core Soul Frequency, Spirit and Consciousness in fullness. This is our birthright from the Divine and should not be stolen.

We have set our own light programs for all Lightworkers to take back our own DNA, atoms and particles by our pure intentions.

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