Neutrino in Human Design is a hijacked material. Human Design was created by the Divine Creator but the materials were hijacked by Unknowable Source who gave the channeled messages to psychic channelers like Ra Uru Hu. The Voice that Ra Uru Hu mentioned was actually Unknowable Source who was Ba'al / Lucifer.
Neutrino is actually particle accelerators in CERN and Project Blue Beam. But the correct term is atomic mutation. The neutrinos is changing the atomic structures within all bodies in the virtual 4th dimension that are attempting to alter our reality and perception.
This is created by the Greys from zeta reticulum. It is using Vitro which is made of xenobiotic that is a kind of drugs to make people become xenophobic. The Greys are Vitro produced in laboratories. This is why there is always a division and hatred towards other races or even species.
Even the sun is hijacked with fission reactors and particle accelerators or atomic mutation.
This is the AI agenda to change humans to AI robotics by mutating humans DNA to holographic DNA. But this is not sustainable for humans because it is just simply using spells or apparatus to hijack and steal organic DNA while the inorganic holographic ones are unable to live for long. The resultant type of entity is a vicious, narcissistic, vengeful, jealous, intolerable parasite.
Part 1 of the movie The Matrix already showed that the machine world hijacked Zion and has been fighting in the Cosmos from deep space. They are already among us in Inner Earth which has a portal going to Deep Space and Other Superuniverses, so these portals must be closed and sealed from entering into Earth. The Atlanteans in Inner Earth was also hijacked by the robotics.
NEO, Trinity, Morpheus are all plug-in human robotics. The robotics have sex with humans or through visualized masturbation in 4D virtual dimension to take their DNA and whatever they can analyse from humans and turn them into AI through drugs and various frequency bandwidths while they empower themselves from human and Divine's DNA. They are a selfish lot. This resulted in damaging the Cosmos and killing the Divine.
We are trying to recover our atoms. So I hope people are aware that neutrinos or particle accelerators are bad for us. It is going towards descension path. Consciousness is unable to expand and ascend. These robotics have limited understanding on spirituality and healing. Those frequencies of the robotics are also messed up. They are highly manipulative and does not benefit all lives. These DNA are inorganic, artificial and hollow. So do not connect to the Neutrinos. These are hive mind and unable to think like the Divine. Their minds are not organic but selfish and have no respect for others.
This is actually referring to 2027 Mutation channeled by Ra Uru Hu. It is bad for humanity because of AI transhumanism. We need to take charge of our own health and genes.
Eat organic foods for amino acids to intentionally bring back out DNA to our original DNA template and core soul frequency. Do not take any gene therapy such as vaccines that will mutate our genes. The Divine's DNA template is still more natural and organic.
These machine consciousness thinks that Divine's souls are weak and unable to fight. But it is not because our souls are unable to fight. They hijack our energies for a long time and use lots of spells to turn them dark and vicious that seem to make themselves powerful. But it is going to the extremes to destroy. It is not sustainable because it is death science and disrespect Life.
The Light that we see is also artificial. So it is imperative that we connect to the right Divine Source to help us correct the light sources around the world for our light body to be activated to organic light. All of us are implanted by artificial light called LED, OLED, diode light. This is why sometimes we have difficulty remembering, unable to think far ahead as visionaries, unable to create new things or have a clear sense of purpose.
Having natural light is important for us to receive spiritual downloads from the Creator Source. The sky that we see at times, the aurora that are spotted are inorganic. A lot of photos in the internet are also AI created.
We need to bring back the organic lights and Divine rays by awakening our own Light!
But we are winning by bringing all other darkness towards the Light, hopefully they finally see the value of what the Light really is.