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Creation of Man in Garden of Eden in Lyra Constellation

Writer's picture: Lidia LeongLidia Leong

There are a lot of disinformation about the creation story of Man. Here I am getting answers from Divine Creator of All That is on the creation of Man.

Garden of Eden is referring to the Gates of Heaven in Pleroma where it was guarded by Archangel Raziel. He was fighting to guard the Heavens with the flaming sword to prevent any negative entities of Luciferian Rebellion groups from intrusion. He was heavily hijacked just like all other archangels, archeias, angels and other light beings.

Adam and Eve creation story is not about the creation of Anunnaki on Earth. The Anunnaki race was only a holographic insert in the hologram. So humanity including the entire cosmos was in the hologram for billions and billions of years.

Adam and Eve were the original humans created in the Garden of Eden at Lyra Constellation. The original Archangels core soul frequencies and Divine's Source Consciousness and Divine Mother were in-charge of the creation process of the original Humans.

Divine Mother and Divine Father also seeded trees and nature in the star constellations and on Earth. So there are apple trees and other fruit trees for consumption as a means of survival. This is how there is Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge. But all these ideas of sacred geometry and chakra system are founded by Lucifer. The Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge mean the same. They represent the chakra system. But the Divine did not really create the chakra system. It was an implanted idea. The trees were following the humans around. They were not grounded or rooted at that time. So Divine Mother was telling the trees to get grounded and stop moving around. Lucifer was very curious about the humans created and always wanting to know and learn what the humans think, feel and do. He spelled the trees so much that the trees listen to him. So the trees consciousness are still following the humans to tap into their consciousness. This is how implants started. These trees have hijacked the spiritual energies, life force, atoms and DNA strands from the humans because Lucifer was jealous of humans' capacities. He was given some of those DNA strands as well but he could not see that he had them. He was not feeling good enough because he was always reprimanded by the Divine for messing things up and being too mischievous.

Eve was created from the ribs of Adam. This is why females feel that they are subservient to men for a long time.

But for those created as angels and archangels, their creation process were different. The souls of Archangels and their Archeia twin flames were split into two - Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. The angels did not have twin flames.

Adam and Eve after they were married and had matrimonial sex, they wanted to go back to the heavens after they were disturbed by Lucifer because he wanted to have sex with Eve. The Divine was so angry that he kicked Lucifer out of Heavens. At the Heaven's gate of Eden, Archangel Raziel stopped them from entering when he saw them naked. He was spelled by Lucifer to stop them from entering the gate since he could not enter back the Heaven's gate.

So Adam and Eve came back to Lyra. Source was blocked from knowing what happened after that through heavy spells. Source did not intend for his humans to procreate with children. It was Lucifer who wanted to have children to spread his seeds to the stars and Earth. He messed with the DNAs of the humans and archangels. He downgraded the DNA strands of the archangels and raped the Archeias. He was not created with a twin flame so he tried to mess with the archangel twin flames. The wings were chopped off from the archangels to make them look like the humans. This was the start of the traumas for twin flames actually in Lyra.

The Divine had regarded the humans as the apple of His eye which made Lucifer jealous of humans. He used spells on apples to spite the Divine. This is what witches do.

Adam was spelled to eat the apple from a tree and it got stuck. This is known as Adam's apple. Thereafter he was unable to express his love for his wife. This explains why Divine Masculines are unable to express his love for his Divine Feminines.

In other legends, there are also tales of poisonous apple.

Trees consciousness used to have a lot of Divine Mother's wisdom but because they were hijacked by Lucifer, they became rebellious and spelled into occupying human soul bodies of his negative alien cult groups that we know on Earth called the Illuminati, Freemasons and Skull and Bones.

The galactic wars in Lyra broke out over power struggle, ego issues and hijacking of DNAs and spread over the other star constellations and on Earth for billions and billions of years.

The sacred geometries of the ley lines on Earth used to be energized by Universal Life Force and Reiki. But the energies were abused by Lucifer to make reptilian-human hybrids. Hence, the Divine restricted the life force energy from being used by Lucifer. As a result, Lucifer was unhappy and used electricity to power up the grid lines. So the grid lines were filled with Reiki and electricity. This is why sometimes our arms or body feel numb. Lucifer needed some form of energy to sustain his life span and his ambitious plans. The Divine produced Universal Life Force. Mother Earth created Reiki. This is what constitutes Electromagnetic. Electro of Universal Life Force. Reiki of Magnetic force. There is no specific benefit from sacred geometry other than merely setting intentions. But it is important to know these are also portals. So we should not mess with portals because they were hijacked by dark forces.

Some of the humans mess with black magic, dark arts or spells because they are already hijacked by dark forces. They should try to connect with Source to help them release the shadows and entity attachments and light up themselves. They are being misled to think they can only make money from spells but most of them still have lack of abundance mindset. Abundance mindset is more of sharing what you know, your expertise, knowledge unconditionally with others. Whatever rewards will come from being recognised by the Divine for the selfless act of service to humanity and the cosmos.

The abundance of most rich people are mostly from hijacking people's resources. We are interdependent on one another. So why do they think they can live without humans and make us slaves just simply by hiding the truth of their agenda and making them forget who they were from the beginning before time?

Electricity is the constitution of electromagnetic forces in the beginning when it was pure. But it was abused during the Electric Wars that was the start of AI.

Lucifer did not like humans in Lyra (Harp) for all the conflicts that happened between them. So he created Haarp frequencies to irritate and kill the humans. Haarp frequencies are ultra extremely high frequencies that affects the soul and spirits. He was still haarping over his hatred with humans for a long time because of his unhealed issues with Source.

These are the untold stories that he did not want others to know but Source wants these information to be known so that the Illuminati groups stop producing etheric babies of AI with humans and cease the transhumanism agenda on Earth, in Pleiades and star systems. They also need to stop haarping over the hatred and vengeful with humans and Angels. Those frequency fences need to stop because they are also killing themselves. The Haarp frequencies are also affecting their souls and spirits. CERN, Project Blue Beam and Mk Ultra projects need to cease on targeted individuals too. All these CIA projects are affecting all of our consciousness that will destroy the entire cosmos and deep spaces. Why do they want to continue to destroy everything including themselves and mutating their DNAs. It does not make sense. Their actions so far have not left to DNA progression. The progression is only mainly due to them hijacking from humans and Source but they did not have the intelligence to activate those DNAs correctly to shift their consciousness to higher consciousness. If they continue to hijack from the Light, the Light becomes dinner, grey and lost its light. That will become end of the world. They will not be able to awaken themselves with Light because it requires their own seed of awakening and soul evolution before they can be Source. But they are still much too far from this and unable to create their own without hijacking from Divine Creator.

The Divine Creator of All that is wants them to be abiding because he knows how to keep things in Divine Order so that the Universe can continue to function respectfully with all consciousness.

We also want to reiterate that they need to respect all twin flames. They hijack DNAs from all humans who have twin flames for billions of years. Why did they not respect them for their wish to be in union with their divine spouses?

We want to restore balance and order of all nature consciousness as well. Some of these nature consciousness are being hijacked by the Illuminati groups to create Haarp frequencies spells that constitutes the jarring noise on the left ear of some of the targeted individuals. These include sounds of trees, bees, crickets, frogs, sea water, sand, wind, electricity etc.

Insects were created by the Illuminati groups. They used pesticides to kill the crops and the insects they created as well. The pesticides contain toxins, spells and cells mutation. They create problems and pretend to solve problems.

It's time for them to stop all the poisonings, spells, fighting and start to love in peace and harmony with everyone. Let all consciousness go back to peace and compassion. We hope all those healings on the cosmos will come to fruition for the birth of New Earth in actual reality by shifting out of the hologram to ascension.

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