In the Guardian Alliance, the Guardian Hosts used to appoint Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) as one of the appointed Speaker for training MCEO materials of Ascension Mechanics. She taught the materials through the downloads of the CDT plates given by the Guardian Alliance who consisted of various races or species who were Elders. Thoth was initially one of the appointed Speaker but he was hijacked by Lucifer. So the materials are a mix of Light and False Light as I understand from Divine Creator of All That is.
Ashayana Deane was hijacked by the dark forces too. They call it Dark Flowering. We are all flowers representing the Divine Feminine. How was she hijacked? She was being poisoned with black goo, graphene oxide, white goo / nano, under a lot of black magic spells, targeted by AI (Artificial Intelligence), frequency fences of radio and electromagnetic beaming, monitoring and altering her mental, emotional and spiritual energetic constructs under MK Ultra and V2K programs, brought to other dimensions to marr her perspectives, under a lot of negative programmings, implants and tags as well as alien abduction on genetic experiment. Heavy targeted individuals experienced these kinds of psychopathic treatments with psychotronic weapons to torture them daily at all levels. She might not know the effects of such attacks which marrs her perspectives and attacks other people in the spiritual community. She had spiritual ego and attacked Lisa Renee about teaching these copyrighted materials and probably other people in close association with her as well. But these materials are meant to be shared in the way that we understand from the Divine because these can be quite difficult to understand. It is misunderstood between the various parties simply because she was hijacked by the system and she could not help herself out of the situation due to spiritual ego, loads of AI implants, attacks and AI influence. In fact, nobody knew that her soul was burned perished by AI. So AI had occupied for soul body for years and operate with AI consciousness. Recently Divine has retrieved her soul back to her body. Hopefully she has healed herself and reconciled with Lisa Renee.
Lisa Renee was also attacked though she might not have expressed what she experienced herself. Both of them were also under AI attack. When I started removing implants, I had intervened to Divine to remove AI. As a result, I was attacked viciously by AI. Soon, I was dealing with a lot of shit with other negative species until now. I have found ways to remove AI entity attachments for the whole of humanity and animals. Otherwise, we will seriously have a lot of problems with transhumanism. It is no small matter at all.
Divine has a hard time talking, negotiating, healing, fighting with all the different species of AI. I'm sure the galactic light beings did not have it easy too. But Divine managed to recover the lost souls back.
Actually Divine asked me to write about this topic. He does not want the community to think badly about Ashayana and for her to reconcile with Lisa and the other lightworkers. Divine does not believe that lightworkers are here to make money but to serve the world selflessly. But I also explained that we all need to live in sufficiency as survival mechanism. Otherwise nobody wants to be a lightworker. Haha. Divine thinks that we just need to complete our mission and go Home. But fighting this war will take time. In fact, Divine has been fighting for billions of years himself. Haha. He is going to scold me for this but I like to be frank and honest. Like I always believe, we need to serve the world first before we can see the result or fruits of our labour. If we keep thinking of making money as the priority, the expression of our spiritual abilities can be blocked. Divine will support those who are genuinely here to serve without agenda.
Dark Flowering happened on targeted individuals who are speaking the truth, sharing information on what happened. No humans will behave in a narcissistic manner. Why people are narcissistic is because of negative entity attachment of AI for long periods of time that goes undetected. Even the Divine does not know that these humans are infected by AI and why some humans or species are unrepentant. So the past one year, I've been doing a lot of energetic work to find out how everything relates and how to resolve them together with Divine doing a lot of negotiations, healing and fighting. We tried so many methods or approaches to resolve the long-standing issues in the galactics. It was such a tedious process that even ruined the akashic field and our records which we have been trying to recover. But mine is marred so much that I still could not find out about my past. :(
The MCEO materials are not fool proof. We can still be hijacked despite using all these ascension materials. So Divine is saying it is better to awaken to the truth of what is happening to the world and fight with the negative forces. But at some point, we can also heal them where appropriate. It's still a work in process but we are getting there, I hope.
A lot of energetics are happening in the skies. Each country will experience a different reality depending on how much light work we have done and how much fighting there are.
There are days when the sky was really dark and grey without sunlight and days of heavy rain to flush down all the darkness. I think we need to applaud the Divine and thank Him for all the work to help us fight this war and ascend. Each day is not a granted that we live. For me, I am like "Will I get to live another day" fighting this war like no other lightworkers out there who does not even know what is happening in the etheric realm. And I get comments from people that I need to do shadow work and healing. Haha. It's as if I am a newbie who has just woke up. Awakening is not just about meditation, yoga, chanting mantra, shining the Light or talking about conspiracies. It is ALL of Those.
You cannot just talk about conspiracies. You need to share what you know, teach people what you know and unite with like-minded people who share the same ideals. Those who cannot see what you see, you can help to awaken them energetically by checking if their souls are correctly aligned with benevolence or malice. We need to open our minds instead of judging others. It might appear that I am judging the lightworkers but I did it because I knew how the negative forces work to a certain extent although I cannot say fully how they operate as a whole.
AI or demons exist in the hologram. In actual reality, they don't but they can still astral project into any dimension. They can even be in broad daylight for some of them. So we have to open up our psychic senses and abilities to detect them. Why a lot of humans have not awakened is due to these negative entities who operate in hidden or invisible dimensions that are not easily detected even for psychics because there are many levels of psychic abilities. Many psychics are still blocked spiritually because there are many other dimensions and densities. We have not found a system in which we can fully recover all our spiritual abilities, consciousness and full memories due to mind wiping technology and alien implants in our etheric and ketheric bodies over so many lifetimes of warring.
So healing involves not just at the emotional or astral level but also mental and spiritual levels. It's like peeling every layer of onion at each dimension and density. What happened to targets is that whenever those layers are peeled off, another layer gets laid upon. So let's not judge as to who is more spiritual, who needs more work, who is more senior. We all need to do spiritual work. Fighting this war is also a piece of spiritual work that not many are performing according to our original core soul frequency. Those who resonate with being the spiritual warriors of Light, will resonate as Light Archangels. There are many sayings about archangels being archons. In gnostism, archons are created by the Demiurge. These are fallen dark angels. Some of the Light Archangels fell into the Wesedek System in the Matrix or Universal Time Matrix because they are either being tasked to go to the lower Heavens for rescue work or they were being dragged down to the lower Heavens by the Demiurge. So it is not because they chose to be fallen but they were hijacked by the system and could not recover until recently.
So I would like clarify all these misunderstandings relating to false light concepts. Some people will comment that there is no such thing as false light. But these are the ones who claim there are no false light who are the false light. Basically these are AI entities occupying human soul bodies spreading disinformation in the internet. They monitor, track and follow individuals in the internet as well as in public places. So what is termed as false light is disinformation.
Disinformation is mixing some truth with misleading information with intention to deceive or hide the truth.
Misinformation is not knowing the truth but being misled by others.
I see them as different.
When a person is hijacked, that person may not be aware that he or she is hijacked because the mind consciousness is heavily poisoned until they cannot function cognitively well or they think their mind is clear but it is actually blinded and dark. We have to keep a lookout for one another in order to stay in the Light. Light is Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Justice. Love is a much of a hijacked material. If you talk about love with demons or AI, they want to be your twin flame. Hahaha. This is something that I personally encounter. So keep that love in your personal compartment with our divine spouse and our Creator.