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Divine Feminine - You are a Queen / Empress; Divine Masculine - You are a King / Emperor

Writer's picture: Lidia LeongLidia Leong

I saw an interesting meme in Facebook and I resonated so much with it.

Don't look for a princess in need of saving. Search for a Queen ready to fight by your side.

Divine Feminines, you are a warrior Queen / Empress. You are not merely a princess waiting for prince charming on a white horse to come and save you.

If you want respect, respect others first.

If you want true love, embody Love.

If you want peace, embody Peace.

If you want abundance, embody Abundance.

If you want protection, stand in your own power.

In the tarot, there are several cards that represent the Divine Feminine.

  • Queen of pentacles - grounded, abundance, practical

  • Queen of sword - analytical, intellectual, decisive

  • Queen of cups - nurturing, loving, understanding, empathy, fertility

  • Queen of wands - passionate, ambitious, strength, determined, confidence, independent

  • Empress - all qualities of the 4 queens

  • High Priestess - intuitive, divine knowledge and wisdom, enlightenment, higher learning

The Empress embodies all the 4 qualities of the Queen - Queen of pentacles, Queen of sword, Queen of cups and the Queen of wands.

High Priestess is more intuitive and connected to the spiritual worlds.

Divine Masculines, you are a king / emperor. You are not merely a page or knight who are impulsive, rash or holding yourself back from your fullest potential.

These tarot cards represent the Divine Masculine:

  • King of pentacles - investment, business venture, financial abundance

  • King of sword - analytical, intellectual

  • King of cups - artistic, creative, inspirational, nurturing, loving, caring

  • King of wands - passionate, ambitious, quick and decisive, strength, bold, charismatic

  • Emperor - all qualities of the 4 kings

  • Magician - resourceful and embodies all qualities of the king, great manifestor, knowledge of the spiritual realms.

Likewise, the Emperor embodies all the 4 qualities of the King - King of pentacles, King of sword, King of cups and the King of wands.

The Magician is very resourceful and a great manifestor of miracles. He symbolizes infinite potential, knowledge in the occult or esoteric knowledge in the physical and spiritual worlds.

Every one has the inner masculine and inner feminine within.

The Divine Feminine has to balance and integrate her inner masculine through taking action that is intuitively guided by the Higher Self such as focusing on her life purpose and doing things that makes her passionate and brings her joy.

The Divine Masculine has to balance and integrate his inner feminine through believing in himself, trusting his intuition and inspires others through his intuition.

I see a lot of people in the twin flame community struggling on this journey, feeling the pain of separation. Yes, it is painful because of the unhealed wounds from our past lives and current life. But you will find that after healing those wounds, you will realize that there is inner balance without excessively wanting union. Union can only be ready when both the DM and DF are ready. All unions are divinely guided and orchestrated. So in the meantime, learn to be being Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses.

A rock needs to be polished before it turns into a diamond.

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