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Evolution of Souls

Writer's picture: Lidia LeongLidia Leong

The Creator of All That is has created the Cosmos for zillions of years ago. When He first created all souls, they were all perfect. But He might not know what caused corruption to happen and how it happened. Some corruptions occurred that caused major wars which poisoned and killed one another, or took some of the memories away by ruining the akashic information and malicious intent. He had channeled some entities that became corrupted later. It could have been the way that He channeled and His consciousness that affected the behaviour, attitude and consciousness of the ones He created.

So some of these entities were not cooperating well with the rest of His creations of angels, humans and nature. It took Him billions of years of talking, fighting with those entities. Some of them fight to the extent of forgetting who they were and their relationship with the Creator.

This is why lying is not beneficial when the Truth is not revealed. It ended up in divisions and wars. It resulted in egoistic fights.

Some souls were created billions of years ago, some created in millions of years and some in thousands of years ago.

Most of them were killed. In the recent 2 years, negatively-oriented souls on Earth were a few hundred thousand years of soul age. They need to do their spiritual healing and inner work for their evolution in order for them to ascend.

They had been taking away particles, DNA and organs thinking that it is the only way to evolve to be a Source of divinity. But that is not how it works. Some other entity channeled them from a consciousness that was not awakened yet. So a lot of things need to be explained to these entities so that they realise what they had done that is damaging to others. Things such as flood, massive clouds and rain, hurricanes and fire on Earth in recent weeks. They have been fighting with Creator of All That is for so long. Their mental was greatly affected by years of poisoning, grudges, hatred, suspicions, mistrust and lies.

If these dark or negative forces are able to do their spiritual work to heal and understand the entirety of cosmic history and drop their idea of One World Order, we can all live in harmonious and abundant creation.

Most of what caused wars are triggers by the ego and stubbornness at insisting on certain concepts of sticking to plans of building empires, domination and control and insisting on having their ways. Sometimes they don't know what they want and they just want to challenge others.

Their minds are not restful and at peace because they are taught that if they stop fighting, they will die. But that is not true.

Creation ideas can come when the mind is clear and connected to Source. But when their mind is always going round in circles of the same pattern that disable them from going forward, they continue the same behaviour that keeps them locked up.

The system of V2k is what they use to control the mind of people. But sometimes I have doubts about these entities who use this kind of control tactics if they have a clear mind as well to be able to control others. It is corrupting others by going round in circles of the same pattern of destroying and controlling that damage the fabrics of the sky and organic lives.

Spiritual healing is needed for souls to recover from corruptions of the body, mind, soul, spirit and consciousness. Without healing and self-realization, they are unable to learn spiritual lessons that are needed for transformation and ascension.

Some of these entities think that they can simply activate DNA in order to be Source. But DNA activation is supposed to be done consciously by working on themselves. Keys will only unlock on a conscious level of understanding and embodying those qualities. The process of DNA activation is mostly not done overnight because it is a gradual process of allowing the body to integrate and the soul consciousness to feel and process. It is not to rush things to achieve instantaneous result.

There are differences between Source and Ascended Master.

In the beginning when creations emanated by the Master Creator of All that is, some became Sources of Light. These Sources of Light created their species and souls in each of the Superuniverses.

When souls evolve over the years of learning from different Superuniverses, galaxies and star systems, they ascend and some became Ascending Masters and Ascended Masters.

I hope these entities who tried to take on titles of Source will realise that they cannot simply take on such titles without approval from the Creator. These entities had no respect for Him and fought with Him. These are the rebellious breakout groups that have no regards for Him and His angels. But essentially they were being fed with lies about taking up titles without substantiating on how they can perform as a benevolent Source to all lives and taking on titles when their consciousness is not evolved and focused on service to self or to their organisation.

The way they are being programmed or created is not enough Light and knowledge that resulted in ignorance and unable to comprehend until the Light shines and clear those doubts. It might be that things are not being explained in simple terms that are precise and on point that led to misunderstanding, mistrust and misgivings.

Their minds are programmed to do different things and make things complex so that they are hard to read. But their minds can be simple or complex. Some of these species will go around influencing each other in order to create chaos. This is a shadow pattern of Human Design Gate 3 of Chaos. It is what is happening now with all the calamities on earth.

In order to move away from all these chaos towards Innovation, they need to process through their soul work in reflecting upon their past actions, reviewing their soul history in remembering who they are and healing the parts of soul fragmentation and lost souls parts. Without healing in wholeness, we will not be able to think about any innovation or new ideas. This is the gift of Gate 3 of Innovation.

Innovation is an inside job of getting clear of confusions and intoxication. Only with a clear sense of mind without darkness that light can bring out new creations and concepts.

What makes a soul become fragmented is mostly caused by emotional traumas, stuck in the past, souls being brought in and out of dimensions by negative entities and spells, lies and hatred on self and others.

The Siddhi is Gate 3 is Innocence. The Eternal Child is innocent in the eyes of the parents. The Eternal Child is always at play. But this time round, he will learn to play at an innocent level that is responsible for his actions and for others. Looking at the world with innocent eyes by innovating himself, changing himself from inside. Without changing himself, he will not be able to change anything outside.

It is just like changing the style of wearing clothes. If one does not change the attitude towards presenting oneself together with a change in wardrobe, one cannot change their style or taste in the clothes and how one carries oneself to others.

All change comes from within first before we can influence others.

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