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Face Mask, the RFID Tag

Face mask is not what it seems to be. We are told that wearing mask is to protect from bacteria either spreading to others or from inhalation in the air that is contagious.

But it is just a smoke screen or excuse to get people to wear the mask during COVID. Face masks contain many RFID tags. This is patented and published in

RFID tags are radio frequency identity tags. That means you will be tagged with a lot of radio frequencies in your aura. Radio frequencies are poisonous. For example, lithium, lead, batteries, LED, OLED are radio frequencies.

Face masks contain silicon oxide. Words contain meaning. When you break up words, you will realize how silly humans are to believe everything they are told. Silicon is Silly Con. People are silly enough to be conned!

There are batteries, lead and lithium on top of buildings where the cell towers are. When the cell towers transmit radio frequencies, the batteries, lithium and lead will also react and vibrate simultaneously. There are holograms that are programmed by the system to instruct these radio frequency to "jump" to where they want it to be. These holograms jump to the sky to geoengineer either as clouds or mix together with other viruses and chemicals to form heavy masses of clouds. This jumping is what is known as Project High Jump.

So when people wear a mask, the RFID will be tagged to their aura. The holograms of lithium, lead or batteries would attach to such people tagged with the RFID. They would be poisoned by these toxins. These can be quite lethal.

These kind of poison makes people unable to express themselves well and silence their inner truth from speaking up. It is a blockage on the throat. The throat is the Blue Ray of Divine Will and Divine Power.

Do you know why the system invented Project Blue Beam? It is to create artificial blue ray that mutates the original Blue Ray. The first ray of the Divine is Blue Ray. It is the will to live. Without the Blue Ray, people will not have the will to live on. Project Blue Beam made use of diode light / OLED. It is the same light sabre used by Orion warriors. But they did not realize that it can have an effect on their core soul frequency. If their core soul frequency mutates, it is hard for them to find their twin flames. This is why the Orion warriors told me they have not found their twin flames even till now.

Cell phones screens are either made of LCD or OLED. LCD screen is made of liquid-crystals. OLED screen is made of diode that can affect the eye-sight to cause blurryness. It is bad for the eyes. LCD has backlight while OLED is artificial LED that contains ozone which is depleting the spiritual energy from the eyes.

Learn to protect your energies by educating yourself.

They geoengineer the clouds and sky not only to poison people, animals and nature, they also want to poison the Divine and the Heavens. These negative entity groups are evil.

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