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Writer's pictureLidia Leong

How to Heal from Poverty / Scarcity Consciousness

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

Everyone on earth has poverty consciousness or scarcity consciousness until they recognize their subconscious thought patterns and reprogram them.

You may think the top richest people do not have any poverty consciousness or worries about money. But that is just an illusion.

Why do you think wealthy people can keep making money? Many of them invest in assets/ properties and stock market. They will keep wanting to generate more and more income to let the money roll. They will not stop and be satisfied once they reach a financial goal because when they reach that goal, they will go on to strive to the next mile stone, and the next. The more they focus on increasing their wealth, it shows that they are afraid that the resources will be depleted over time. This is still a kind of poverty or scarcity consciousness.

If they have a prosperity consciousness, they will not be afraid of sharing or distributing their wealth with others.

Prosperity consciousness does not mean accumulating more money. Accumulating has the tendency for energy to get stagnant if it does not flow in and out. So prosperity consciousness is also about being generous, giving and sharing.

Poverty consciousness is actually a kind of Matrix Programming brought to earth by the negative Draco Orion Group. Lisa Renee had written a long article on this. The monetary system is created by the Federal Reserve for the purpose of enslaving the population.

Money is just an energy or currency being used as a tool for the energy exchange of goods or services. But the way that it's run by the establishments created a pyramid structure that does not trickle down to the bottom of the mass population. You can see this pyramid structure in many multi-level marketing MLM organizations which the top layers of the structure will benefit more than the lower layers of the team. This is not a level playing ground for everyone.

So we have to shift our own paradigm by releasing these old beliefs about the monetary system. Money can be used for the purpose that is beneficial such as self-development, buying a plot of land for vegetation or agriculture, owning a space for creativity or for good causes.

Poverty consciousness is a huge trauma of the collective consciousness affecting every human being. From my personal experience, poverty consciousness has occurred in a few of my past lives. There were lifetimes that I was rich but due to certain unexpected events that made me poor overnight.

Poverty consciousness is not only about money or finances. It is a lack mentality that is limiting in perspectives.

What are the lack mentality or limiting beliefs?

  • You think that resources are limited and only available to certain people who are rich or powerful.

  • You think that you have to work hard to earn money and work is the only way to make money.

  • You think that money is evil and root cause of all suffering.

  • You think that without money, there is no honey. You will be single forever because you are poor.

  • You think that making money is hard.

  • You think that you lack the support from people. You feel helpless, lonely, neglected, rejected or abandoned.

  • You think that making money is materialistic and unholy.

  • You have difficulty charging for your services or undercharging them.

  • You think that offering spiritual services or healing must be free.

  • You think that everyone is competing with you for the limited resources. You need to fight for resources.

  • You think that hoarding or accumulating money is the only way to have money.

  • You think that if you are rich, people will take advantage of you.

  • You think that making money is greedy.

These are just some popular beliefs that most people adopt. Beliefs are thinking patterns that we adopt and think that it is true. But beliefs are not necessarily true. Beliefs can change through releasing them and reprogramming with new thinking patterns that are more beneficial.

So how do we release poverty consciousness?

1) Past Life Regression Therapy

By regressing to the relevant past life/ lives, you can release and heal from poverty consciousness and the issues related to it to stop the negative spiral. Cut the cords!

2) Past Life Reading

You can hire a psychic to do a past life reading for you to understand the relevant past life/ lives of poverty consciousness or financial burden.

3) EFT Tapping

Emotional freedom tapping on the meridian points to release the trauma of financial burden, worries and self-limiting beliefs.

4) Journaling / Automatic Writing

- Are you picking up beliefs and thought patterns from your father or mother?

- Write down what are all your beliefs about money. Are they really true?

- Then release these old beliefs and choose new beliefs to reprogram your mind with a higher vibration.

5) Practice deep breathing, somatic, yoga, body stretching, trauma release exercises

- A lot of past traumas are trapped or suppressed in the body. You will feel pain in the body especially along the spine, the back either on left or right sides of the body, upper/ middle or lower back.

- Most people have shallow breathing especially with the mask (thanks to covid agenda). So get back to deep breathing exercises to take more belly breaths to the entire body making sure the neck and spine is straight and relaxed. This allows the life force to flow easily. It is about receiving life force energy.

If we are breathing shallowly, we are not receiving the flow of abundance of energy. Breathe in Abundance!

Many people have anxieties, worries and fear about not having enough money or money will be depleted. It shows that they are not breathing in deeply enough and not having conscious awareness of their breathing. They are not being present and not having faith and trust in the universe. They allow the mind to overthink and take full control of them instead of quieting their mind through meditation or mindful awareness.

If you have Chiron in Pisces using either Tropical or Sidereal Astrology, it means you have a lack of faith and trust in the universe. It is a challenge for you to learn how to get back into alignment with Source and trusting that you will be supported by the higher forces. You can only have faith and trust through surrendering to the higher Divine power and releasing the negative ego, mind or not-self.

6) Healing Ancestral Trauma

We can pick up ancestral trauma of poverty consciousness from our parents. So you can seek for a healer or shaman who specializes in healing ancestral trauma. A lot of ancestral trauma can get trapped in various parts of the body such as kidneys, spine, root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra or shoulders depending on individual. Again, this is about body work. Our body is full of intelligence if you choose to work with it. We get so lost to the external world that we forgot how to connect back to our own body and lose touch with our emotions. Reconnect back with all parts of ourselves to check in where the traumas are suppressed and release them with our intentions or ask for Source healing.

If you are interested in releasing poverty consciousness, you can also reach out to me for a past life regression session where you will access your own past life memories for healing.

7) Focus on fulfilling your life / soul purpose or mission

When you focus on your life purpose, soul purpose or mission, you will feel more fulfilled rather than placing your attention on generating more money. The money will come naturally when the soul is fulfilled because it takes the pressure off from overthinking. The universe answers based on your energies. If you are overthinking or stressing about money issues, it amplifies on the lack and blocks the flow of energy. Focusing on what you are here to do, what brings you joy and sparks your creativity, raises your vibrations and frequencies. The rest is up to the universe to do its magic!

There will be times that we can get stuck or stagnant during certain planetary transits, solar eclipses and lunar eclipses. I will probably write more on how to release stagnancy in my next article. So do subscribe to my newsletter for updates.

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