Narcissism is a trait that was identified in opposite to Empathy. Why some people are narcissistic is fundamentally due to negative entity attachments. Humans are not programmed to be narcissistic. No matter how traumatized people are, they are not the ones who are narcissistic. It is due to negative entities and implants in the body that make people behave so.
What are the traits of narcissism?
Play the Victim role through self-pity or pretend to be the victim. This is the victim-victimizer program installed on Earth by negative alien groups.
Blaming others except themselves presuming they are always right and others are wrong. Holier than though attitude. Lack of self-reflection.
Judging others harshly.
Domineering and controlling.
Unhappy with life and finding fault in others. They will pick a fight with others for no reason. They love to fight to win.
Liars. They will not tell you the entire truth and will lie everytime. They will deny that they lie.
They are jealous of other people. Lack mentality.
I would recommend combining the flower essences to treat Narcissism as below:
Vine, Vervain, Beech, Chicory, Rock Water, Holly, Willow, Chestnut Bud
You can either use the flower essences or the energetics of the flower essences for the application.
I am offering a simple course on self-healing for the emotional body with the link below:
There are many types of traits that humans are conditioned to believe and absorbed in their body. These can be removed through intentions and strong beliefs. Everything is about intentions. The mind is the most powerful but it can go either way - positive creation or negative destruction.
If you have difficulty identifying what needs to heal and which flower essences to use or how to heal, you can book a remote healing session with me.