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Mosquito Virus Vaccines and Pet Clone Polymer

A recent discovery of mine is mosquitoes are produced in laboratories. They are actually vaccines. Dengue itself is a vaccine.

The mosquito is a patented vaccine in

It is a vaccine that contains chrome which is colored ink. It is like colored lead which is a kind of poison that is lethal.

They have studied and came up with methods of identifying people who attracts mosquitoes with Mosquitoes Attractiveness Quotient. Mostly those with O blood are prone to mosquito bites. O blood is the most hijacked blood group because they have universal blood donors and compatible with all blood groups A, B and O. I find that the DNA for O blood group have been heavily hijacked by negative alien groups. O blood represents Original blood but after hijacking, they become ordinary. But they still like to hijack the O blood because they are the warriors, hunters or fighters. Orion star system also starts with the letter O. I believe Orion star seeds are O blood. Let me know if any of you who are from Orion system in other blood group.

O blood is normally built with strong immunity system that is not prone to contact COVID or Corona Virus according to doctors.

During the COVID season, A blood group is the one that they are trying to target. They are the Pleiadian star seeds. Recently I find that these Pleiadian star seeds have indeed been heavily targeted until they are unable to help themselves. They are heavily attacked by negative alien groups for a long time and cloned by med beds, viruses and poisons. A lot of them became gangstalkers and unable to remember their Light. They thought they are darkworkers, Anunnaki, gangstalkers, AI entities etc. In the initial phase, I was still able to help them remove those layers of AI attachments and AI consciousness but with all these dark layers, viruses and LED cum Ink infections as well as moon satellite attacking all of us, it is a really exhausting fight. We fought so many rounds with satellites, CERN, in virtual reality and virtual dimension........Not many Lightworkers are fully aware of how this spiritual war is carried out. Only a handful are aware and fighting with the Divine together.

This group of negative entities are of Ink or Ink Dots that came from Orvando. The crop circles show that they have came to Earth through those portals. They operate based on dot matrix.

A number of structures on Earth proves that they have infiltrated the system. They are metal barriers with round or dotted designs, perforated bus stickers for example.

Recently they added ink or chromatic element into LED Lightings. This led to many people infected with ink attachments in their body. This can be infectious that spread to others. If a person already has polymers in their aura, these ink attachments can spread to their whole aura to make them totally dark. Polymers are being fed to all humans and animals each night. We have been fighting to remove the polymers and peptides from all beings but it is a continuous work. These polymers and peptides together with viruses and ink are the Transhumanism agenda to make clone bodies out of humans.

We have not truly ascended without being aware of what is happening to humanity and animals. Even pets became a tool to attack humans to clone the humans because they were hijacked by the zeta grays and tall whites 15 years ago. If you find that your pet has changed in behavior or looks, it shows that your pet has been cloned at night with polymer when everybody have slept.

Every bed is a medical bed at night when these negative alien groups came with bed inserts and house inserts to put poisons while people are asleep. This is alien invasion and New World Order Agenda. They make use of pets to kill their owners' souls, hijack their DNA, particles and consciousness or even fight with the Divine. This is not widely known because they can really pretend and bluff the whole world with cuteness. A lot of things have changed in a mere one year or ever since COVID, COVERT OPERATIONS OF VRIL INK DEMONS. VRIL stands for Vicious Reptilian Ink Leviathans. They came from Lexerton.

We have destroyed a lot of their laboratories but realized that they are also making infectious disease in the Moon. They actually a lab in the Moon.

The moon is now run by electric current, mattress consciousness. Ink, viruses, poisons.

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