As we pass through the transit of Pluto in Aquarius with Gene Keys 60, we are examining the shadows of Limitation. This is the Age of Aquarius of awakening humanity to prepare for the New Earth. The Cracking of the Vessel shows us how we crack the vessel that we use. It can be any of the vessel that we use, be it the mind, body, heart or soul. The act of cracking the vessel is how we break the code of our DNA, our breakthrough in life, breaking through limiting beliefs, cracking the system or structures of limitations.
Here is the link for Richard Rudd's book on The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose read out loud in sound cloud.
There are structures of limitations and control called red tapes in society, organisations, law and order and even religions. The shadows of limitations dislike new, innovative and original. It imitates and copies the original and adapts in design and function.
This is symbolically found in religion where the mythological gods, goddesses of Atlantans, Egyptians, Anunnaki exist to control humanity in the name of God. The word God means differently for different people.
These entities exist to copy the Divine, Creator of All that is. They aspire to be Source because of spiritual ego and ambition while not knowing how to be of service to others. They have limiting understanding of what becoming a Source really means while fighting with the Creator based on competition, wrong understanding and survival instincts. Many of these entities were channeled from portals and not created with the right consciousness. The ancient ones did not survive because of the war. Within these entities, they also have hierarchy of red tapes which they obey to toe the party line. But it is a limiting structure that does not allow the mind to be evolved or consciousness to be open and accepting the philosophy of Life and what they can learn from Cosmic Wisdom from collective consciousness.
As soon as they can process and accept the teachings of Cosmic Wisdom, they can ascend with realisations of the original Divine Blueprint that is meant to be delivered.
What magic really means is an open mind with the right intentions for the benefit of all. What happened for thousands of years of dark arts was actually closed circuit thinking where the mind goes round and round in the same loop and attitude towards the Light.
There is a reason for systems and structures to organise and execute plans to build this planet. But the system is hijacked by some groups of species that are ambitious and egoistic. They tried to imitate the way that they run the system. These are the artificial intelligence and robotics that were fighting in the galactic wars but their programs were not done correctly and run by species that were not created by the Light. The important factor for any species to be of benefit to the cosmos is that they must be created by the Light forces and with higher consciousness.
The gift of Realism lies in being realistic with whatever plans that we want to bring across. Whether we want to make money is besides the issue. Money is one of the resultant of executing a plan. But it is just a means of survival. But if we are not able to survive while the alien invasion occurred, what can money do?
Artificial intelligence and robots did not help us in surviving. Our bodies are kept alive only because of Divine Intervention. This is some reality check for everyone on Earth.
In reality, innovation without structure and practicality will not last.
The system attempted to control humanity through healthcare in mind control or at least the initial attitude is to prolong life span. But they use AI technology to control the mind, soul, consciousness, DNA. Hijacking humanity using this method or inventions is a risk that has gone out of control. This is also about trusting too much in the system that does not have the best interest of everyone on earth. It is not practical to place our trust in entities who are not from Earth.
To prolong life span, we have a better option to eat healthy, exercise, do energy healing and inner work on our spiritual development.
Innovations such as spacecraft are only useful for education and exploration provided there are understandings and respect. We need to understand and reach a mutual agreement of respect for any space travel that we do so out of peace and not for war.
Innovations such as military weapons for wars are only as backup in case of wars. But if we have evolved enough as peaceful species, such weapons are not absolutely necessary.
How we make money is not to create problems and solve them. That is based upon a negative manifestation. It has been operating in this way for thousands of years.
Divine Justice has been serving to bring us Light, Truth and alignment to help us understand that the old ways need to cease. New ways of creating on Earth is needed to repair the damages now.
There are a lot of cracks of earthquakes and landslides that show us we need to repair what is broken within the system by a breakthrough of our limiting beliefs.
The old structures of hierarchy places upon restrictions and rigidity in red tapes of getting things done efficiently. They have tried using AI to make things efficient but at the expense of removing humans in operations and lost the sense of connection to the organisations and systems. Most of the customer services are operated using AI chatbots and self-automated answers. It does not address all of our issues which can be frustrating to customers. So it is not realistic.
Where do humans stand in the world of robotics? There are things that can only be done by humans. AI and Robots have no capacity to love and self-control. Their consciousness are very domineering.
We have inventions of wireless communications that are practical but over usage will not be healthy. Such inventions are practical only when we learn to balance innovations and realism.
What we need is spiritual and psychic development. Divine Justice is due for us to see the Light what of damages are done and it is time to put a stop to the disasters before we can open the portal to New Earth.