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Radio Frequencies, Source Light and Source Sound Field

Radio frequency spectrums are based upon hertz which is artificially created by artificial intelligence (AI).

Even the music that you listen in YouTube, Spotify are in hertz. The New Age music which most people talk about 432hz, 528hz......they are in hertz. These are created by online pure tone generators that is runned by AI. They are not organically created. The system is keeping humanity at carbon-based molecular structure instead of upgrading our DNA structure to Light photons.

Binaural beats are also not recommended because it is also generated by AI sound technology that is inorganic and artificial. Any brain entrainment is a programming system that is created by the establishment.

Chemical structures:

God Particle Atom:

What is the frequency and wavelength of Source Light and Source Field Sound?

It cannot be defined by any numbers because only Source has the capacity to know and only when we awaken to Source consciousness, then we will know.

The chemical structure of the stuffs on Earth is carbon-based that is hexagonal in shape. This is the system that is keeping humanity's consciousness lowered to the level of materialism and unable to connect to Divine Source and keeping us constraint. The universe is round as you can see the light photons or light fibers are round when viewed from 3D perspective. Even though the universe is boundless, there is still a border of roundness. This is quite hard to fantom but there is a reason for it which is to keep evil at bay. Something that I asked Divine to do in order to keep the evil consciousness away from corrupting our multiverse that they are poisoning for so long.

So I would like to suggest that we do not connect to music produced in hertz. It is better to connect to the Divine for healing.

Source field sound frequency is inaudible but if you are sensitive enough, you can feel the frequency working on removing unwanted negative frequencies. Divine did not create numbers but letters and words. Lucifer did.

There is also a misconception that words are spells. From my understanding, words are meanings and has consciousness.

Spells are negative entities which move very quickly to hypnotise others. Those witches who cast spells are actually working with negative entities to attach to the intended person to hypnotise them by controlling their pineal gland. This is very unethical. Divine is telling us not to conjure spells because it is Satanic/ demonic. He did not create Lucifer or Satan. Whatever spells that is cast, there can be negative consequences. The receiver can send back the spells that the spell caster sent out. So it is best not to perform such act to harm anyone. Any spells are manipulative no matter what good intentions there is. It is not the same as manifesting.

The way of Light forces is that we manifest with words and good intentions that is for the highest good of all.

You can also connect to Source Light by visualising white light directly from the Divine from the central Superuniverse of Havona as high as you can with the fullness of Light and pouring down the Light upon your energy field.

But be wary of connecting to the wrong source because there is an unknowable source which is Lucifer. The energy will feel heavy and negative.

Divine Light will feel light and healing. A lot of lightworkers actually connect to Lucifer because there are many archons around to block the spiritual connection. So in order to connect to Divine, we have to kill these archons. They can astral project high up the skies to the clouds and Lucifer can even astral project to higher dimensions to the Heavens and messed up the akashic field.

Much of the religious materials are also hijacked because the ascended masters were hijacked by archons. Technically they are not ascended masters but ascending masters. These archons created the maya or illusions that the masters had attained enlightenment by having God appearing or telling them they had passed the test. These are just illusions.

This is why these masters are still bound by the matrix or time matrix. They have not gone out of samsara actually but at 8th dimension that is at the state of Consciousness of our local universe of Nebadon.

The Great White Brotherhood are actually archons in disguise. But there are masters at 8th dimension who had ascended from human incarnations.

Why did the ascending masters not go beyond the time matrix is because they had not gone to the level of realizing the matrix of the Illuminati. The Illuminati group is not just on Earth but they had existed in Orion Empire and Draco star system for millions or even billions of years.

There are a lot of Buddhist masters who taught Buddhist philosophies but I realize the Nothingness that they talked about is actually a malevolent consciousness which is Unknowable Source or Luciferian. This is the Unknowable Source in Tao. Lao Tze was actually hijacked by this malevolent entity to preach about light and dark, yin and yang. This is actually Luciferian material.

Surprised? I was shocked too. But during these few weeks of trying to break the code and spells of the Luciferian Rebellions, I became more aware of what teachings they had spread to lightworkers.

The unknowable source was unintentionally awakened by Divine Source, Creator of All That Is. But this unknowable source was not really awakened in terms of being unable to sustain the Light. So technically it is not a Source.

When people meditate deeply, they are likely to connect to Nothingness or Emptiness which gives energy to this entity of Unknowable Source. A lot of people actually fell asleep during meditation. Why did it happen? There are archons around to spell these people into hypnotic state and hijack their energy, DNA, soul and spirit. So it is actually draining their life force instead. Most of the time, the Divine is actually trying to break the spell for meditators to wake them up. If you find that you suddenly wake up from meditation, it shows the spell has been broken by the Divine.

The Luciferians had spread teachings of compassion and mercy through religions so that humans are compassionate towards them while they continue to do evil harmful poisonings to humanity. This is their dark agenda.

So go beyond teachings of love and light because the true Light is about awakening to the Divine and the Truth of who we are.

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