My subscribers may be wondering why I have been writing blog posts and even a video about the twin flame journey so much these days. To be honest, I don't really want to disappoint my newsletter subscribers too. But a psychic friend just helped me to check my akashic records about the mission with my twin flame. It validated why I have been blogging about twin flames! I am supposed to be sharing my personal experiences with the community about my twin flame journey. So I guess I am here offering as a kind of support for twin flames too.
I am not going to pretend I know everything about twin flames or even pretend I am not hurt by the separation. I am still human with feelings and emotions. I am vulnerable, strong, messy, raw, straight-forward, timid, sad, happy, feeling every emotional wave as a 39-55 channel of Emoting in Human Design terms. There will be days of highs and days of super lows that I feel. Trust me 39-55 channel of Emoting is no joke. It is where great artists, musicians, inventors receive their downloads to create their muse and art. It is also a channel of depression when it gets super low. It is great to learn Human Design so to understand the different types of channels, gates and centers so that we can learn to navigate in life with lesser struggles. Struggles especially for my Personality Sun Gate 38 the Warrior of Light, does not mean I don't struggle. It may seem to be effortless to others. I just learn to fall, cry over my bruises, heal and then get back up again.
True twin flames will feel separation anxiety much more than any other relationships.
I know my twin flame has chosen to be with a karmic soul mate. My heart sank and turned cold. I don't think he knows I know. But I don't blame him for making that choice. Twin flame journey is not an easy one especially when they are not spiritually awakened or unaware of what the connection is and what it is going to bring. I too, married my karmic soulmate near twin for 10 years before knowing my true twin. Usually before we meet our true twin, we will meet karmic partners, soul mates, catalysts, whatever labels there are, first. We have to clear all the karmic debts before meeting our true twin. Some people who have lesser past life karma may meet their twin much earlier in life.
So it is probably a soul contract that my twin flame has to go through with his karmic soulmate or near twin to settle all the past life issues first. Whatever inner child wounds and shadows I have or had, are most likely similar for my twin. I am not going to pretend to be strong. In fact, I cried so much but felt relieved for releasing the pain from my heart. I am sure he had it difficult too because I felt him crying a few days ago and I cried knowing he cried too. He may not feel my emotions as much as we are not communicating which is probably best for him. Luckily his Solar Plexus is defined; otherwise he is going to amplify my emotions and feel it overwhelmingly painful if he has an open Solar Plexus center. I also understand that we both have a mission or karmic contract to fulfill in this life. If he is reading this blog, I hope he does not blame himself for the choice he made but release the patterns with his inner child and shadow work.
To the Divine Feminines who are reading this, please know that it is not easy for Divine Masculines too. Whatever choices that they make to break-off, separate from you, it is also not easy for them. Because we are the same soul essence, whatever that you are feeling is also what they are feeling.
If any twin flames would like to share their stories or ask for clarifications, please do open up in the community section or email me. I am holding space for the twin flame collective because we are all walking this path together. You are not alone.
The twin flame separation is very painful and especially when we came to know the existence of our twin. Please do not feel judged by anyone who do not understand your journey. In history, the twin flames were separated, forced to breed through rape and killed. So I will be doing the healing of my past lives on this issue to release the trauma and pain for my twin, myself and the collective. Please continue to work on your own healing too, my fellow twin flames.
Let us surrender to the Divine for healing, protection and bliss. Let us all have inner peace and tranquility knowing that we are all One. Namaste.
