Satellites are not beneficial to our brains. They collect data from our brains through brain imaging and control the DNA and cells information through transmissions. Satellites are not beneficial and should be taken off from the entire Earth.
The whole operation on Earth has been hijacked by the Greys who created scam groups to steal information including DNA sequences and attempted to change humanity's DNA to RNA mammals and insects. This is totally atrocious!
They did by voice and radio frequencies transmissions in the satellites to control cell towers that can emit various band widths such as ELF,EMF, microwave, millimetre, HAARP by bringing people into other dimensions to kill them. These frequencies are lying to our body to die spiritually and empty out the human components to program with lower consciousness of insects and mammals to more RNA construct. They created false manifestations using sound mimicking insects to attach to humans. These are operated by grey aliens and human-AI-robotic scam groups.
They first hijack people in government, Illuminati groups and public servants who then hijack the other sectors in security industry, property agents, transportation industry. They hijack these people into false operatives of CIA mind control. These hijacking and scam activities became more wide spread in recent 2 years due to Covid. These could be due to corruption in the grey aliens RNA construct when they were first created and channeled. Corruption could take in the form of the creator's consciousness that were in lower unevolved state that channeled a lower mind for these grey aliens and this creator was also infected by virus when he created them. These states of consciousness could be a start of greed, power hunger, hatred for humanity, ignorance on DNA genome information and lack of cosmic knowledge. These affected the Cosmos for 200,000 years resulting in infiltration of negative aliens on Earth and disrupting the DNA and evolution of humanity's awakening. Humanity is still largely unaware of what has been happening to them etherically to their astral body.
All are also programmed with digital codings into number sequences to change their DNA construct to downgrade them from humans to insects while they keep those human cells, organs, DNA to do experiments and other manifestations.
They are really corrupted. Some of them cannot recover because of their viruses and unwilling to change their evil ways.
Even angels and The Creator of All that is are affected. We need to end all corruptions and treat these criminals to destroy all those parts that cannot recover. Mainly they are greed for money, negative ego and greed for power and control. Divine Justice is needed to restore back the entire Earth and the Cosmos.