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Your Enneagram tells the type of Inner Child Wounds

Do you know your Enneagram type? If you are new to Enneagram, it is a personality test to check what type of person you are. Each Enneagram has specific characteristics and the tendency to exhibit certain behaviors. It also tells of the type of inner child wounds and fears.

Take the free Enneagram personality test here:

There are 9 types in Enneagram:

Type 1 - Strict Perfectionist: Focus on what is right and wrong; what needs to improve.

Shadows: Judgmental, high expectations.

Type 2 - Giver: Focus on others' needs and wants; giving and helping. Need to feel appreciated.

Shadows: Resentment for not feeling appreciated.

Type 3 - Performers, Achievers: Focus on success, achieving goals and gaining approval and prestige.

Shadows: superficial. Childhood wounds of feeling not good enough, undeserving, unworthy.

Type 4 - Introspective Sensitives, Individualist: Focus on what is authentic, meaningful and purposeful. Search for the most unique, special and fulfillment.

Shadows: isolation, withdrawn, withholding love, self-pity, self-indulgent. Childhood wounds of feeling unloved, abandoned, not deserving love.

Type 5 - Observer, Investigator: Focus on self-sufficiency and acquiring knowledge to meet expectations of others.

Shadows: withdrawn, fear of inadequacy.

Type 6 - Skeptic: Focus on hazards and worse case scenarios. Being vigilant, questioning or doubting.

Shadows: insecured, rely on others, suspicious, inflexible, sarcastic, arrogant.

Type 7 - Enthusiastic Visionary: Focus on what limits and constraints, interesting ideas and pleasurable experiences. Curious and optimistic.

Shadows: Impatient, lack perseverance, fear of missing out, boredom.

Type 8 - Controller, Protector: Focus on who needs protection, being powerful and fighting spirit. Independent, self-reliant, decisive, strong-willed.

Shadows: control issues, avoidance or fear of vulnerability. Inner child wounds of being treated unfairly, unjustly, does not trust or rely on anyone. Experienced many failures or even betrayals in life.

Type 9 - Peacemaker, Mediator: Focus on appeasing or avoiding conflict and discomfort.

Shadows: Childhood wounds of feeling worthless and unimportant.

Each Enneagram has a pair of wings.

Under different circumstances, we can adopt different behaviors from the corresponding connecting Enneagram.

I resonate the most with Ennegram 5 wing 4. I tend to swing between being INTJ and INFJ under Myer Briggs system because I am able to balance between the intellect and heart. I can also be assertive and controlling like Enneagram 8 or try new things like Enneagram 7. I can be quite skeptical like Enneagram 6. But I am predominantly type 5 which is the investigator, thinker. I can be quite detached and private when I am busy studying something deep. Don't come and disturb me when I am investigating. Yet I want to be understood as a type 4. What a complex nature. Lol.

Which one do you identify the most with? Comment below and share.

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