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This 12 Dimensional energy healing is to heal the blockages at the root and heart chakras so that you can receive more abundance, prosperity with grace and ease.


This audio file is infused with abundance codes, crystal bowl Note "C" frequencies suitable for healing the root chakra. Duration of the audio file is 37:11 minutes


The first part of the healing is using 12D energy to clear the blockages of the root and heart chakras. The second part of the healing removes limiting beliefs for the following:


- Money is the root of all evil.

- Having more money is greed.

- Money is only for the richest and powerful.

- It is tough to make money.

- I have to work hard in long hours to earn more money.

- I have to take on multiple jobs to earn more money.

- I need to charge lower prices in order to stay competitive.

- I must give some free services or freebies to attract more clients.

- Money does not drop from the sky. You have to work hard for it.

- I can only be happy if I have X amount of money.

- I can only retire with X amount of money.

- I don't have the budget or not enough money.

- Money can only be earned through getting a job and investment.

- I have to find a job so that I can pay my bills.

- I cannot make money by being an artist or doing creative work.

12D Energy Healing for Abundance, Prosperity

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