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This audio file is recorded with Andromedan Reiki assisted by benevolent Andromedan healers from the star system for the purpose of healing Kidney Deficiences. 


Kidney Deficiences can manifest as:


* Hair Loss, Graying Hair

* Water Retention due to high sodium

* Fatigue, tire easily

* Fears

* Anemia

* Difficulties in relationships

* Difficulties in finding job employment

* Bone weakness, joint weakness

* Low creativity, low libido, low motivation

* Heart disease, stroke

* Kidney failure

* High blood pressure

* Nerve Damage in Neuropathy

* Ancestral patterns



Upon download of the audio file, you can find a comfortable place to sit, relax and enjoy this Reiki session. Set intention to heal your kidneys and all related areas as mentioned above. You can sit on a chair with open palms and open legs or lay down comfortably. Please Do Not cross your arms and legs to allow energy to flow smoothly.

Andromedan Reiki for Kidneys

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