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This audio file is recorded with Reiki healing that is assisted by positive Pleiadians in balancing the white blood cells (immune cells) and balancing the immune system response. The Pleiadians are high vibrational Light Beings who are volunteers in helping Humanity's healing and evolution.


It is essential to balance the Immune System Response instead of Overreactive Immune Response or Underreactive Immune Response.

An Overreactive Immune Response can cause:

* Autoimmunity diseases such as Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroiditis
* Allergies such as Eczema, food sensitivies,hives, asthma, sinusitis

An Underreactive Immune Response can cause:

* Cancer - HIV, Shingles, TB, Hepatitis
* Infections - Bacteria, Virus, Parasites, Mold/ Fungus


Instruction: Please sit or lay down on a comfortable place and intend to receive the healing. Do not cross your arms or legs during the session to allow energies to flow smoothly. Sit with open palms and open legs. 

Pleiadian Reiki to Balance Immune System

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